
The best non-profits always start out with the best missions and objectives. We can't begin to try and do what you do, but we can try to help those who you're helping.
Whoop Connect is dedicated to building alliances, partnerships, and technology device and service distribution strategies for established 501c3 organizations helping others.


If you're an administer working or volunteering at a domestic abuse shelter for women and children-Whoop Connect Can Help.

If you're a weekend "Foster Parent" for a teenage boy or girl in the system, Whoop Connect Can Help.

If you're volunteering with homeless shelters, and helping people get back on their feet with housing, jobs, and medical services, Whoop Connect Can Help.

Although the day-to-day focus of your nonprofit's vision may be a little different than ours, we're pretty sure we can offer technology and devices to strengthen your organization's optics, benefits, and technology demands for the people you're helping on a daily basis.